Jeff Sessions

  • 网络塞申斯;杰夫·赛辛斯
Jeff SessionsJeff Sessions
  1. Although not a member of the deficit committee , Senator Jeff Sessions is the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee .


  2. On opposite sides of the Capitol , Republican Senator Jeff Sessions and Republican Representative Paul Ryan assailed the president 's spending outline .


  3. and so too will our great new Attorney General , Jeff Sessions .


  4. The first man , first senator , first major , major politician - let me tell you , he is highly respected in Washington because he is as smart as you get , senator Jeff sessions .


  5. Attorney General Jeff Sessions called the changes an effort to restore the " rule of law , " though civil rights groups decried the move and some universities said they intended to continue their diversity efforts as before .


  6. Mr Trump will be aided in his search by Jeff Sessions , the attorney-general , who was forced to recuse himself from overseeing Mr Comey 's investigation because of his undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador .
